1. Master's thesis on "Improving the effectiveness of prevention of inflammatory periodontal disease in children" in 2017.

2. Avdeev OV, Zmarko YK, Boykov AB, Drevnitskaya RO Clinical effectiveness of treatment and prevention measures in chronic catarrhal gingivitis // Clinical Dentistry. 2017. № 2. pp. 48–53.

3. Avdeev OV, Zmarko Yu. K., Boykiv AB, Drevnitskaya RO Influence of treatment-and-prophylactic measures on indicators of oral fluid and clinical condition of periodontal tissues in children 6-7 years old, patients with gingivitis / / Clinical dentistry. 2017. № 1. pp. 32–38.

4. Avdeev OV, Zmarko Yu. K., Drevnitskaya RO Indicators of oral fluid in children 5-7 years, patients with gingivitis // Environment and Health: scientific-practical. conf. April 27-28, 2017: collection. mate. conf. Ternopil: Ukrmedknyha, 2017. P. 160.

5. Avdeev OV, Zmarko YK, Drevnitskaya RO, Boykov AB The effectiveness of treatment and prevention of chronic catarrhal gingivitis // Modern approaches to prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases and oral mucosa: scientific-practical. conf. April 19-21, 2018: collection. mate. conf. Ternopil: Ukrmedknyha, 2018. P. 3-4.

6. Zmarko YK, Drevnitskaya RO Substantiation of treatment and prevention measures for children 6-7 years old with gingivitis // XXII International Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists April 23-25, 2018: collection. mate. conf. Ternopil: Ukrmedknyha, 2018. P. 90.

7. Avdeev OV, Zmarko Yu. K., Boykov AB, Drevnitskaya RO Indicators of antioxidant protection of oral fluid in children 6-7 years old, patients with gingivitis // Achievements of clinical and experimental medicine: nauk.- practice. conf. June 14, 2017: collection. mate. conf. Ternopil, 2017. S. 192-193.